CHANGE! Where are we and where do we want to go?
I am thinking about change this week, and here are some thoughts:
Which changes and how? what are my thoughts?
change is good but change is hard
change is natural and normal, we all change; life is about change
change goes against the status quo and takes a lot of energy to bring about
change brings innovation and new energy
change gets stuck somewhere, usually
I believe all these and many more statements to be true about change. Change in an organization can be hard but it is necessary for continued innovation and sustained growth and life. Thus I have written up some steps and ideas to help bring about change within an organization, based on Dr. John Kotter's seven steps.
Here are some steps to change with a few questions
See need and increase urgency
Choose your change team and find your first movers/influencers (from a large group of people across the organization at all levels)
Some Questions:
Do you see a Big Opportunity that could ignite the hearts and minds of your people?
Do you know how to identify, articulate and communicate it?
Are you able to connect an external change factor with a special capability of your organization?
What are the stakes if you succeed? Consequences if you fail?
Can you get at least 50% of your organization to buy in to the change?
How will you find a way to engage a formalized network to take on the change initiative?
How can this new change be seen as a "want to" and not a "have to"?
How might current hierarchical and silo-based structures stop communication and engagement (especially regarding change)?
Where in your organization are people aligned around a single idea that inspires them to do things that move ideas forward?
Do people within the organization speak about the goals in the same way with the same priority? If not, how can these be aligned?
If you asked people around the organization about the Change Vision, how many different answers would you get?
Focus- define your vision foundation and values and choose your outcomes
Assess- conduct a change readiness assessment and assess where you are at the moment in terms of the chosen outcomes
Plan- (get and involve a coach specializing in change management)establish a change leadership team
What needs to be in your strategy?
- A vision with measurable objectives that are simple to communicate
Think S.M.A.R.T. (look this up if you don't know about it)
Make a step-by step plan
Involve your first movers/leaders in this planning stage so they are on the same page with you—you will need people from different areas/departments so the seeds can be sown throughout the organization
Spread the message- inform your first movers, make concrete change management plans, build organizational support through communication of need and plan
Within and without the organization, but first within!
Remove any expected barriers or resistant systems before making the change
Make sure anything undermining the vision is gotten rid of
Enable and empower action- make sure the ones who bring change (leaders, first movers) have the power to implement the change
Train- initiate training and coaching of the change agents
Communicate- clearly communicate expectations for all involved across the whole organization, including addressing anticipated resistance
Implement- mobilize the (change) teams and execute the plans
Celebrate- celebrate all, even small, successes
Sustain- remember to add energy after the honeymoon stage where change often gets bogged down, don't stop until it is finished and totally refined
Refine – assess progress and see where to change the process and plans
Adapt- identify improvement areas via continued checks and feedback
Continue to communicate-
Go public with your change(s)- share with all donors and other key stakeholders outside of your organization
Show the public where you are and where you want to go and the way you plan to get there: articulate a clear vision for everyone
Repeat your vision until it becomes know, it may take even more than 12 months!
Enjoy your next change.
Patricia Jehle